Considering a switch? Estimate your savings easily.
How much will I save by transferring my credit card balance to a lite Valley Credit Union card?
Whether you are a current lite Valley Credit Union customer or you just learned about us, you could save a lot of money by transferring your personal or business credit card balance to our lite Valley Credit Union Mastercard. Our balance
transfer calculator makes it simple for you to estimate your savings.
We offer a $0 balance transfer fee to make it easy for you to consolidate your cards and start paying off any high-interest debt.
The Numbers
Your Results
Your Savings
Card Balance(s)
Card Rate(s) (APR)
Estimated monthly savings reflect the regular interest rate you entered which may be different from the regular rate you qualify to receive. Calculations & Assumptions: The savings reflected are approximate
and are calculated on the difference in interest charges between the higher APR cards you entered and the lower introductory balance transfer APR offered by lite Valley Credit Union. Actual savings may be impacted based on
your purchase and payment activity. Additionally, it is assumed that no other balances are on the account other than the transferred balance that is subject to the promotional rate. See your credit card agreement
for details. Balance transfer amount are subject to limitations and restrictions. The promotion period is available for qualifying new customers only and is the first 9 billing cycles following account opening
when the balance is transferred.
Want advice? Look no further than lite Valley Credit Union.
Answer a few questions and we'll help you plan your financial future.
Ready to get started?
Want to start over?
Want advice? Look no further than lite Valley Credit Union.
Answer a few questions and we'll help you plan your financial future.
Question 1
Are you looking for personal or business banking services?
We’ve built our services to suit your needs, whether you’re focused on your life or work.
Question 2
Which stage of life are you in?How would you describe your business?
Life comes at you fast. We have solutions for every stage.We can customize the perfect package for you depending on the number of employees and transactions you have.
Question 3
What are you looking for today?
We offer a full range of products and services to meet all of your banking needs.
Question 4
Which statements apply best to you?
I am looking for:
Your Results
Here’s what we’d recommend.
We think these products might work for you, based on the answers you provided.